Oh boy, oh boy. oh boy... the TOP TEN eeck! *wets self* *faints* (lol! :p)
[While Dan passed out, Hank steped in as any good friend would (I really don't know any Hanks lol)]
Lets get this list a-moven' shall we?
10. Family Guy - In all actuality, I despise Family Guy, BUT, the older ones aren't as bad or offencive (I dont like being a part of an ofencive way). Seth Green's cool to.
9. The Universe - (its a little known fact that im a science buff but, not a lot of people know me. xD) I really got to like this show actually through my dad. He was a EMENCLY smart person. Rest In Pease dad :_(.
8. Gabriel Iglacias's Stand up bits - If you don't know Gabriel Iglacius, then you better get a gun, shoot your balls off and go buy a vagina (wow. I can't believe i could be that mean. sorry). Gabriel is the FUNNIEST fat guy in the world. He's the guy who came up with the 5 levels of fat: big, health, huskey, fluffy, and DAMN!! (he's only fluffy xD)
7. AFV (America's Funniest homeVideos) - I'm a man who sometimes likes his funny home-made =p
6. Pokemon - I LUV POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. My favorite pokemon is Snorlax. SNORLAX PWNS ALL!!!