Young jazz men with a new sense are gathering. At last they created a new genre itself.

Dan @HighWay

Age 31, Male

women dont work lawl

in the pooper, plz

Joined on 8/23/08

Exp Points:
5,400 / 5,880
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6.43 votes
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11m 30d

HighWay's News

Posted by HighWay - May 21st, 2009

Alright NewGrounds, I have just recently seen a NG record unbroken for almost TWO YEARS!!!!

Yes, I am talking about the record for "Most registered Members Online". The record is at a stagering 774 members, set back on Teusday, July 17th, 2007, at 5:23 pm. I have a picture at the bottom to prove I'm not crazy.

I think it would be a great idea for us to break it! I'm not saying to snuff it out with 775 members. I'm saying to crush the record, possibly with over 800!

So tell all your friends, family, relatives to make a NG acount so we can break this record!!

Btw, do you guys think that Tom or Wade would recongise this? And If they did, would they put it on the news thread?


Posted by HighWay - May 3rd, 2009

Hey everyone, I just enlisted myself into a new job.

Now you may be wondering "Who on God's green Earth would give me a job?" Well, no one would. but that's beside the point. I am now offically a...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

Profile Picture Maker person, thing guy. YES!!!! So if any of you guys and galls want a profile just PM me up, or reply to this post.

The same rules aply here as in the sig maker club, PLEASE, (and i cannot stress that enough) PLEASE make sure you give GOOD descriptive details. None of this "Just make a pic, don't care what it looks like. k, thx." crap. And none of that 1337 crap either. It's stupid and I can't read it. Also, don't post like an ass over and over. It takes time for me to fill a customer's order. So be patiant too.

I do have the right to deny you a profile pic. So don't PM me or comment every 5 minutes, I will PM you when it is finished. Your profile pic will be posted individually. So please reply back when you have your profile pic uploaded, this is to avoid anyone saying, "U said my pic was done but I never got it. T_T *starts to cry like a 2 year old*"

So I'll be glad to fill out any orders of yours and I hope you enjoy your new profile pix :3

Finished Pic: tahm10, here it is, hope it's good enough!

Just Got a New Job

Posted by HighWay - May 2nd, 2009

All righty, I finished it. Sorry but i couldn't find a place that your user name would look good in. Whew, two pics in one day, and I sure am beat.

Must.. stay... awake.... long...... enough...... *Z Z Z zzzzzz*

*EDIT* Ha, now its no longer transparent in the background!!! This should work now, cbe. Is it alright if I call you that?

To CowBoyEmo...

Posted by HighWay - April 27th, 2009

Since I'm now banned from the BBS, I'll post and joke I made up years ago.

Ok, whats the differance between my car and my wife?
The car actually responds to me!

Now, whats the differance between dead people and my car?
I don't keep the dead people in my garauge!

Finnaly, whats the differance between dead people and my wife?
The car hasn't ran over her yet!

Sorry if its offencive, I was young when I thought of it.

Posted by HighWay - April 17th, 2009

I herd u liek teh mudkipz, no? Teh mudkipz sexeh, no?

u want teh mudkipz, but u kant hav teh mudkipz.

u can see teh mudkipz, but u no toutch teh mudkipz.

it sure does suck to be u. u cant hav teh mudkipz.


Posted by HighWay - April 12th, 2009

First we state that girls require time and money.
girls = time x money

As we all know, "Time is money."
time = money

girls = money x money = (money)^2

And Because money is the route of all evil
money = /evil

And we are forced to conclude that;
girls = | evil |**

** - Girls are the absolute value of evil, therefore good. Same goes to anything that requires time and money.

Posted by HighWay - April 9th, 2009

My favorite song is "The Passenger" by Iggy Pop

Posted by HighWay - April 5th, 2009

Alrighty, let me tell you 'bout mah week, it was basicly one huge borefest, much like the rest of my life ^_^

But reasently, I've gotten back into teh GBA (GameBoy Advanced) pokemon games. So, I grabbed my Nintendo DS, and becane completing Pokemon FireRed. Oh, for those of you who don't know, the DS can play GameBoy Advanced games, as well as GameBoy Color games.

Now, I am walking along the route and what do I find to my suprise, a Snorlax :D !! Snorlax is also my favorite pokemon ever, and there is only 2 of them in the game.

So, after an hour and a half of frustration, I finally caught the snorlax. Then, I go online, to look up a game guide for FireRed. Then, the shocking stuff happens, I found out I could catch the same pokemon... in differant colors.

(First off, the different colored pokemon are VERY, VERY rare. Every time you encounter a wild pokemon, you have a 1/8192 chance of it being a different color [these pokemon are also called Shiny pokemon]. Those are very bad odds to bet on.)

Finally, an idea hit me like a freight train, "instead of wasting hours trying to catch shiny pokemon, why not make my own!" *egad!!!*

So that is how the picture below came into existence. I based it on my favorite pokemon, snorlax; an Andy Worhall painting; and the colors of moods! It gave me something to do for an hour.

Ok, from top-left to bottom-right;

Red - rage
Green - envy
Purple - sickened
Gray - depression
Dark blue (Normal color) - normalness
Pink - sexy **Bow chica whao whao**
Gold - pride
Light blue - happy
Orange - hate

And that concludes my news for today. Um... yeah, I didn't really expectany one to read this so, i guess you can call this an easter egg of sorts. (*PENIS*)

Snorlaxes To Teh Max... es.

Posted by HighWay - March 25th, 2009

Ok, whats the differance between my car and my wife?
The car actually responds to me!

Now, whats the differance between dead people and my car?
I don't keep the dead people in my garauge!

Finnaly, whats the differance between dead people and my wife?
The car hasn't ran over her yet!

LOLZ, Sorry if that offended anyone, I just thought the idea was funny.

< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >===< 0 >

JOKE TIME!!!!!! (and the crowd goes wild)

Posted by HighWay - March 1st, 2009

Horray for me!! I'm finally getting over my fear of talking to girls!! (it was never was like a normal fear, more like a shyness towards them.) So now i'm willing to talk to any female newgrounder. BTW, there's a dance coming up soon and i might get a date this time!! I've never felt so awesome in my life!